jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Learning about ftalates

video: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay-y3tSYGYw)


    1.- What are ftalates?

ftalates are esteres of phthalic acid and are mainly used as plasticizers (substances added to plastics  to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity). Phthalates are manufactured by reacting phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s) that range from methanol and ethanol (C1/C2) up to tridecyl alcohol (C13), either as a straight chain or with some branching.

2.- Where can we find them?

we can find them in baby toys,also in the cost of the sea because there is a lot of plastics, in beverage containors ect.

 3.-Are they dangerous? Why?

I think tnat is dangerous and bad because they can introduce i ouer bodyes and can produce ilneses like cancer and also they can't recycle.

4.- What are the two young scientists trying to do?

This two young scientists are trying to help our enviroment and that the ftalates don't contaminated the earth introducing the bacteria that will help to recycle better the plastics.

5.- Give your opinion about their work and their achievements.

I think is a very nice idea and it will help our life and will not contaminated the earth like now and also there will be not death because of cancer and all the illnessis caused by the pollution.

 6.- What is an accident? Is always a bad thing? Give some examples of positive results from accidents.

Is somethig that happened and you don't wanted to do it or you do it unintentionally, are not always bad, for example the accident of the biologer Alexander Fleming that was a positive accident.