sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

My technology learning diary

Hello, my name is Joan Seguí Capó,

I'm 14 years old and my birthday is the 21 of January, the reason why I made this project is because I'am going to explain all the things that we do in the class of technology and all the projects, now I'am going to talk abaut my life:

I live in Colonia of Sant Pere, in betlem near the sea, I have a little sister and her name is Aina she is 11 yers old, my mum is Marga she has 47 years old and my father is Visenç and he is 46, also I have a dog and his name is Drac.

My favorites hobbies are:

Resultado de imagen de suferOne of my preferit hobbies is play football with the team of Artà this year we are Cadetes, another hobbie is sailing with my friend Biel Llull, the last year we won the campeonato of the Islas Baleres.
This is my favoritye HOBBIE that is surfing, I surf all the year and also in winter because I have a wetsuit of 5m. Another hobbi is to run but only when i have time and no exams.
Resultado de imagen de 420 vela


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