miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

Clean up plastics from the oceans

The problem nowadays is that there is a lot of plastics in all the world and the place that is found the majority of the plastic is in the ocean so if the people don't put a little bit of his part the world is going to be contaminated in a few years by the plastics and it will caused a huge problem.

Boyan Slat's is an scientific of 22 years old and he is very interest in how to clean the ocean, is one of the first persons that have this idea so he made a business by the money from the other people that is interested with his idea of cleaan the ocean and he has a lot of followers.

Resultado de imagen de Boyan Slat

His solution to recicle the plastic is a very big plataform in the middle of the sea with a very large flotant thing that is function is to stop all the plastics that are floating in the middle of the sea and the fishes can go down this plataform and we can collectv all the plastics.

This is his project:

Resultado de imagen de the ocean cleanup

My opinion of his work and the profect i think is a very nice and it works very well but the problem is that is very espensive but if weput some of this plataforms arround the world in a few years we wiil have a clear ocean and we will don't contamimated. Hea has a very good idea

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