martes, 2 de mayo de 2017


- What does it mean to be an engineer?

The meaning of being an engineer is someone that makes something useful for our lives, from my point of view is a person that makes panels for building something.

- How has been your experience with your team? Has all the members worked?

 The experience with my team has been very nice because we enjoyed a lot this activity and I think that we have learnt a lot of things of how to build a good windmill. I think that all the members of the group has worked but the one that has worked the hardest was Maria Luengo.

- Have you achieved the goal? What was wrong? How could it be improved?

 Yes, finally we could get the result that we wanted because the wind mill could lift the bag. But it wasn't the best one because the blades weren't curve and so it didn't rotate perfectly. I will improve it putting the blades well, in the correct position and well stuck and also the presentation.

- Have you worked as an engineer? Why? How have you felt?

 I think that I have worked like an engineer but not like a professional one because we didn't do any panel of the project and also we put some ideas and from these ideas we decided the final project.

- Personal opinion

 Personally it has been a nice activity because it has been interesting.  We have improved a lot and now we know how to make a wind mill and how a engineer works.

Here i will put some pages of engineers:

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