martes, 2 de mayo de 2017


- What does it mean to be an engineer?

The meaning of being an engineer is someone that makes something useful for our lives, from my point of view is a person that makes panels for building something.

- How has been your experience with your team? Has all the members worked?

 The experience with my team has been very nice because we enjoyed a lot this activity and I think that we have learnt a lot of things of how to build a good windmill. I think that all the members of the group has worked but the one that has worked the hardest was Maria Luengo.

- Have you achieved the goal? What was wrong? How could it be improved?

 Yes, finally we could get the result that we wanted because the wind mill could lift the bag. But it wasn't the best one because the blades weren't curve and so it didn't rotate perfectly. I will improve it putting the blades well, in the correct position and well stuck and also the presentation.

- Have you worked as an engineer? Why? How have you felt?

 I think that I have worked like an engineer but not like a professional one because we didn't do any panel of the project and also we put some ideas and from these ideas we decided the final project.

- Personal opinion

 Personally it has been a nice activity because it has been interesting.  We have improved a lot and now we know how to make a wind mill and how a engineer works.

Here i will put some pages of engineers:

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

Clean up plastics from the oceans

The problem nowadays is that there is a lot of plastics in all the world and the place that is found the majority of the plastic is in the ocean so if the people don't put a little bit of his part the world is going to be contaminated in a few years by the plastics and it will caused a huge problem.

Boyan Slat's is an scientific of 22 years old and he is very interest in how to clean the ocean, is one of the first persons that have this idea so he made a business by the money from the other people that is interested with his idea of cleaan the ocean and he has a lot of followers.

Resultado de imagen de Boyan Slat

His solution to recicle the plastic is a very big plataform in the middle of the sea with a very large flotant thing that is function is to stop all the plastics that are floating in the middle of the sea and the fishes can go down this plataform and we can collectv all the plastics.

This is his project:

Resultado de imagen de the ocean cleanup

My opinion of his work and the profect i think is a very nice and it works very well but the problem is that is very espensive but if weput some of this plataforms arround the world in a few years we wiil have a clear ocean and we will don't contamimated. Hea has a very good idea

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Learning about ftalates

video: (


    1.- What are ftalates?

ftalates are esteres of phthalic acid and are mainly used as plasticizers (substances added to plastics  to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity). Phthalates are manufactured by reacting phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s) that range from methanol and ethanol (C1/C2) up to tridecyl alcohol (C13), either as a straight chain or with some branching.

2.- Where can we find them?

we can find them in baby toys,also in the cost of the sea because there is a lot of plastics, in beverage containors ect.

 3.-Are they dangerous? Why?

I think tnat is dangerous and bad because they can introduce i ouer bodyes and can produce ilneses like cancer and also they can't recycle.

4.- What are the two young scientists trying to do?

This two young scientists are trying to help our enviroment and that the ftalates don't contaminated the earth introducing the bacteria that will help to recycle better the plastics.

5.- Give your opinion about their work and their achievements.

I think is a very nice idea and it will help our life and will not contaminated the earth like now and also there will be not death because of cancer and all the illnessis caused by the pollution.

 6.- What is an accident? Is always a bad thing? Give some examples of positive results from accidents.

Is somethig that happened and you don't wanted to do it or you do it unintentionally, are not always bad, for example the accident of the biologer Alexander Fleming that was a positive accident.


viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

My knowledge about mechanisms

Resultado de imagen de SIMPLE MACHINES
A mechanism is a device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and the movement.

A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanisms that use mechanical advatage (also called leverage) to multiply force. Usually the term refers to the six classical simple machines which were defined by renaissance scientists:
  1. The lever
  2. The pulley
  3. The wheel and axle 
  4. The inclined plane 
  5. The wadge
  6. The screw

I use simple machines in my daily life when fore example i have to go up the steirs, another is when i have have to cut with scissor,when i go with bike,when i have to open the door, when i have to cut with a knife and also when i go to the toilet and i open the tap.

Resultado de imagen de door handleResultado de imagen de bikeResultado de imagen de stairs  
Resultado de imagen de scissors

Resultado de imagen de knifeResultado de imagen de aixeta
Transmission of movement.

Mechanism change input motion into output motion.
All mechanical systems have mechanisms which transform an imput motion into an output motion.
They're designed so you can gain an advantage from using them, they make something easier to do.
Some mechanism change one type of motion into another.
They are varius types of motion:

  • Linear motion-  moving one way in a straight line.
  • Recipocrating motion- moving backwards and forwards in a straight line.
  • Ocillating motion- moving backwards and forwards in an arc, e.g a wheel.
  • Rotary motion- moving in a circle, e.g a wheel


A mechanism is a device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and the movement. Mechanisms generally consist of moving components such as gears and gear trains, belt and chain drives, cam and follower mechanisms, and likages as well as friction devices such as brakes and clutches, and structural components such as the frame, fasteners, bearings, springs, lubricants and seals, as well as a variety of specialized machine elements such as splines, pins and keys.

  • PulleysPulleys are used to change the speed, direction of rotation, or turning force or torque.

pulley system consists of two pulley wheels each on a shaft, connected by a belt. This transmits rotary motion and force from the input, or driver shaft, to the output, or driven shaft.

A pulley system with one 40mm diameter pulley and a 120mm pulley, connected by a belt. The smaller pulley is rotating at 100rpm

  • Gears:Gears consist of toothed wheels fixed to shafts. The teeth interlock with each other, and as the first shaft (the driver shaft) rotates, the motion is transmitted to the second or driven shaft. The motion output at the driven shaft will be different from the motion input at the driver shaft - in place, speed, direction and other ways.

A simple gear train made of a big gear and a smaller gear.

Cams:A cam is a shaped piece of metal or plastic fixed to a rotating shaft. A cam mechanism has three parts: cam, slide and follower.
Resultado de imagen de cams
There are varius types:
  • Circular cam.
  • Snail cam.
  • Pear cam
  • four-lobed-

-Uses of mechanisms in our daily life.
I use machanisms in my daily life for example when use the tipex (gears), also when i go with bike (pulleys)and when i go to sailing and i have to put the sail (cams).

Here i have my mind map:

And i want to create a sailing boat that has 4 sails and is going to be very aerodinamic.

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

My technology learning diary

Hello, my name is Joan Seguí Capó,

I'm 14 years old and my birthday is the 21 of January, the reason why I made this project is because I'am going to explain all the things that we do in the class of technology and all the projects, now I'am going to talk abaut my life:

I live in Colonia of Sant Pere, in betlem near the sea, I have a little sister and her name is Aina she is 11 yers old, my mum is Marga she has 47 years old and my father is Visenç and he is 46, also I have a dog and his name is Drac.

My favorites hobbies are:

Resultado de imagen de suferOne of my preferit hobbies is play football with the team of Artà this year we are Cadetes, another hobbie is sailing with my friend Biel Llull, the last year we won the campeonato of the Islas Baleres.
This is my favoritye HOBBIE that is surfing, I surf all the year and also in winter because I have a wetsuit of 5m. Another hobbi is to run but only when i have time and no exams.
Resultado de imagen de 420 vela
